3DSpace Index aggregation slow issue

One customer encounter 3DSpace Index aggregation slow issue. after R&D investigate , suggested change file at data/cv/data/config/Consolidation.xml FlatAssignedSpaceAggregationProcessor:enabled="false"MATConnectionsAggregationProcessor:enabled="false" because the customer did not run buildgct after modification. then some days…

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有的时候,比如需要知道3DE操作时候数据库的SQL是哪些,这时候我们需要打开SQL的追踪。 使用管理员登陆"Collaboration and approvals" --》Utility --》 Run MQL ,运行下面的MQL trace type sql filename sql.txt 可以使用 print trace 查看当前的追踪状态,SQL TRACE有没有被打开。 这时候,如上图,3DSpace的所有SQL都会打印在/usr/DassualtSystemes/R2025x/3DSpace/logsCAS目录中的sql.txt文件中。 查看这个文件,可以看到很多SQL ,可以使用 tail -f sql.txt 查看SQL的更新(太多了看不过来) 当我们结束SQL查看后,我们需要关掉SQL的追踪,不然日志文件会越来越大,很容易导致磁盘空间不足。 使用 trace off…

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Why set config file is mandatory after reinstall 3DSpace Index

Sometimes to fix some issues, reinstall 3DSpace Index and then do full index will be adopted, while using this solution, please do not forget: set system searchindex file /usr/DassaultSystemes/R2024x/3DSpace/Apps/BusinessProcessServices/V6R2024x/Modules/ENOFramework/AppInstall/Programs/config.xml change…

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Backup and Restore 3DSpace Index data

You can back up your CloudView data by copying the <INSTALLDIR>\<OS>\cv\data from your product installation. 1. Go to the <INSTALLDIR>\<OS>\cv\data directory. $cd /usr/DassaultSystemes/R2024x/3DSpaceIndex/linux_a64/cv/data/ 2. Freeze all services using the master freeze method: cvcommand <HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+11> /mami/master freeze $./bin/cvcommand localhost:19011…

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