Just learned from today’s customer meeting, so recording this.
Our system have a table named TICKETGRANTINGTICKET which is used to store CAS authentication information. And it has 3 column defined as LOB column, which is Large Objects.
my environment is test environment , so the example size is very small.
First get normal table size.
select segment_name , bytes/1024/1024 as MB from DBA_SEGMENTS where segment_name='TICKETGRANTINGTICKET';
2. get blob column size.
select segment_name , bytes/1024/1024 as MB from DBA_SEGMENTS where segment_name in (select segment_name from dba_lobs where table_name='TICKETGRANTINGTICKET');
3. Summarize the 4 size.
so in my test case , it is 0.5625 + 2.1875 + 0.125 + 0.125 = 3.0 MB