Upgrade PHP from 7.2 to 8.2 at Centos 8 for wordpress
Centos 8's default php version is 7.2 , while some Wordpress plugins and themes need 7.4 or higher version, here is upgrade instructions. remove old php and enable php 8.2…
Centos 8's default php version is 7.2 , while some Wordpress plugins and themes need 7.4 or higher version, here is upgrade instructions. remove old php and enable php 8.2…
Find the repository remove the repository #dnf remove -y remi-release-8.9-3.el8.remi.noarch clean cache #yum clean all
Download Fiddler Classic from https://www.telerik.com/fiddler/fiddler-classic and install click tools-> options , select decrypt https traffic. Install the certification from fiddler. choose Yes. right click columns of the table. select customize…