Oracle password expiration issue

Suddenly 3DE encounter an issue and can not login.

check 3dpassport tomee catalina.out , and we found the error as below.

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28001: the password has expired

This is because default oracle has set an short expiration of password.

to solve this. login as oracle. run below command to run as dba

$sqlplus / as sysdba

and input sql command to solve the password issue, “ALTER PROFILE DEFAULT LIMIT PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME UNLIMITED” will set password never expired, you can also change this to a longer date, but after that date, you will still need to set password again. Also you need change the password to your old password. not an new password, otherwise , you will need reconfig to set to the new password.

SQL>alter session set container=ORCLPDB1;
SQL>alter user x3dpassadmin identified by "passwordof3de";
SQL>alter user x3dpasstokens identified by "passwordof3de";
SQL>alter user x3ddashadmin  identified by "passwordof3de";
SQL>alter user M1 identified by "passwordof3de";
SQL>alter user x3dswym  identified by "passwordof3de";
SQL>alter user x3dswym_media  identified by "passwordof3de";
SQL>alter user x3dswym_widget  identified by "passwordof3de";
SQL>alter user x3dcomment  identified by "passwordof3de";
SQL>alter user x3dnotif  identified by "passwordof3de";

after this , restart all the servers. and the server comes back.

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